Useful Links

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Here we list websites that may be useful for general 'further reading', or at the other end of the spectrum for research into very specific areas such as a medicine not covered within our website.

Where you have a topic of interest which is covered in our website, you'll find the most specific links there - see our keyword index & search and our list of topics.

Further reading on dementia

Further reading on caring

Links to look up specific medical issues

  • NHS (UK) - has two A to Z guides: NHS website Medicines A-Z, and NHS website Health A-Z of conditions.
  • NICE (UK) - the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence produces evidence-based guidance and advice on best practice in various healthcare topics - see the NICE website
  • British Heart Foundation - heart and circulatory health is important in vascular dementia and other forms of dementia - see the BHF website
  • Stroke Association (UK) - has information on strokes (interruption to the blood supply to part of the brain), their after effects and how to reduce the risk - see the Stroke Association website

Links for support as a carer

  • (UK) - there are many organisations offering support, advice and information via phone lines, email, webchat, online forums, or local support group meetings - see our section on how to get support and advice.
  • Outside the UK - searching for 'carer support' should bring up local organisations.

Links for bereavement support

  • (UK) - for organisations offering support, advice and information via phone lines, webchat, or local support group meetings see our section on bereavement support for you.
  • Outside the UK - searching for 'bereavement support' should bring up local organisations.

(Also see our sections with information on bereavement support for someone with dementia, and on bereavement support for you.)

Links to miscellaneous useful websites

  • m4dradio (UK) - music for dementia radio is a website-delivered set of radio stations that play non-stop music 24 hours a day, and there's also an 'Alexa skill' to make it easily accessible from an Amazon Echo device - see the m4d Radio website.
  • Living Made Easy (UK) - has information on equipment, including what features to look for and extensive lists of products on the market and prices at many different suppliers - see the Living Made Easy website. Note that the different products aren't ranked or rated, and you should check that any supplier listed is reputable.