Garden Safety
Whilst we give several tips here, try not to change your loved one's environment unnecessarily, as this could make their home look unfamiliar - which is obviously unsettling. If you live a long distance away and can't visit frequently, then as far as possible make changes at the start of a long visit, so that you can see whether any of them turn out to be unhelpful and need to be revised or undone (though obviously while you're there you can help explain the changes and see whether that cures the problem).
If a handyperson is required to make any changes, see our section on home repair and handyman organisations.
Slippery paving
As noted in more detail in our section on trips and slips, both York stone and manufactured slabs become exceptionally slippery in the wet when a layer of algae has grown, so use a pressure washer to keep them clean.
Uneven paths and trip hazards
Paving stones may have sunk over time, or been lifted by tree roots. It may be a relatively simple job to have them lifted and rebedded where necessary.
Overgrown paths
Remove ivy or other creepers from near paths, as they can grow very quickly over the path and form a trip hazard. Trim bushes so they don't overhang paths, otherwise people will go off the path or be unbalanced by leaning to the side as they pass.
Installing ramps and rails
An occupational therapist may be able to advise on installing gradual ramps where there's a step, and rails along a path.
Having garden chairs
Have garden chairs (with a suitable seat height and with arms) placed around the garden if your loved one can't walk far before getting tired. If using plastic chairs then make sure the arms are sturdy enough to push up from, and fasten the chair down to prevent it blowing around (for example by bolting it down - make sure the fastening method won't cause any trips).
Things that will blow around
Consider whether there's anything that will blow around and should be put out of the way in a shed, or fastened down. You don't want your loved one going out in the wind to try to stop something blowing around.
Sharp tools and garden chemicals
Sharp tools and garden chemicals should be locked away in a shed.
Outside lighting
Consider whether installing PIR-activated outside lights would be useful in case your loved one goes out in the dark, or conversely whether a passing animal making them come on unexpectedly might worry your loved one or encourage them to go out to investigate.