Practical advice to help you look after your loved one
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About Us
We have practical experience of caring for a loved one with dementia,
and would like to help others look after their loved ones by passing on
useful tips and information. The role of carer can be thrust upon you
very suddenly, and there's a lot to do and take in - we hope we can help
by providing a comprehensive and readily accessible guide. Equally, if you have any suggestions to improve this website please use our suggestions / contact
us form (you don't have to give your email address).
We don't make any money from this website, so you can be sure our advice is impartial. We have no connection with any of the products, retailers or websites that are mentioned.
We're based in England, but most of our advice applies elsewhere.
This website was created in honour of Joyce, who always helped everyone and whose smile you could depend on.
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